
How A Father's Mindset Enhances Our Lives

Michelle Clay calm Happy Father's Day mindset stress

How A Father's Mindset Enhances Our Lives

Greetings to my Wellness WOWers and everyone who is ready to live a stress-free life with total wellness. Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers and to those who are a father figure in someone’s life. Oftentimes, the mother’s role is highlighted, celebrated and overshad...

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4 Tips to Maximize a Fresh Start

Michelle Clay cleanse purify spring fresh start strategy stress success well being

4 Tips to Maximize a Fresh Start

The change in seasons is an optimal to purify and cleanse; especially spring which is significant for new beginnings. Cleanse your inner temple and your outer temple. Your inner temple being your body

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The Wellness Wisdom of Women: Be Bold for Change

Michelle Clay Change compassion Dr Michelle Clay International Women's Day physician wellness women

Happy International Women’s Day! Today we celebrate women around the world and encourage them to “Be Bold for Change”! When I think of taking action and initiating change, I think of the wellness wisdom of women! This blog is in honor of the women who were bold enough...

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5 Ways to Overcome the Stress of Disappointment and Create a Fresh Start

Michelle Clay disappointment stress stress relief well being

5 Ways to Overcome the Stress of Disappointment and Create a Fresh Start

Disappointment can lead to despair, so I will give you 5 tips to help you make a u-turn off of the dead end street of despair and create a fresh start. Here are 5 ways to move through disappointment: Focus on the Positive

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7 Ways to a Happy and Healthy Heart

Michelle Clay blood pressure forgiveness health heart health stress management wellness

7 Ways to a Happy and Healthy Heart

The most common contributor to heart disease is hypertension (high blood pressure). Chronic stress can raise your blood pressure increasing both the systolic (top number) and diastolic (bottom number) pressure. Stress and cardiovascular disease go hand in hand. It is i...

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